The Mad Professor is intrigued with Emily Parker at AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, Las Vegas. This lavishly tattooed bad girl with a joyful streak was out signing her recent work for the fans, topless with just a couple of pasties over her nipples. It's often said that an alt-girl's tattoo selection is a glance into her personality - and here we have quite the spectacle on her left arm alone, with a trio of donned-up gangbanger calaca heads and a drawing of Cherry Darling from Planet Terror. If that doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does. |
There are more pictures of this spicy-sweet alt-porn diva in our Porn Stars section, alongside others. There's not much that needs to be said to get someone interested in a gem like Emily: alternative girls make a wholly different variety of sex worker, with personality and charisma of a flavor that other girls can't match. Have a gander at the rest of the Picticon while you're at it. Courtesy flpchip in Lasvegasvegas.com and Wikipedia.com, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. |